Wednesday, May 4, 2016



Newsworld II

Are there any prominent symbols in this story that you read?
In the short story it talks about 9/11 and how all of the boys felt after it happened and what they talked about in school after the devastating news, the narrator telling the readers how angry the adults were what they said and how empty every business was. Many of the boys worked at an amusement park called Newsworld and it was described as always busy and full with crowds of people and after the 9/11 attack all those crowds of people were gone and the city was quiet and felt empty. 

What connections did you make with this story?
I felt connected because every year on that date we still talk about it and people get angry and mad and in Newsworld the narrator describes the feeling as just that. 

What changes would you make to adapt this story to a different medium?
I felt like the descriptions that were told and the emotions were very personal but yet everyone feels that was on 9/11. I think that Newsworld could be turned into a short documentary of the narrator talking and then the camera flashing back to when to happened and footage from the class room the kids sat in and listened to the teacher and then the emotions they all had when learning about what happened. 

What medium would you choose? 
I would choose to make this into a documentary. 

What changes  would you make?
I would not make any drastic changes to this story because it is nicely written and extremely thought out and detailed with thoughts and emotions. 

Curate Yourself:

Curate Yourself:

Why is this text important to you?

I chose to curate The Hunger Games, this text/film is not necessarily important to me but it does have many great symbols throughout the text and film. Inequality vs. rich and poor. This is important because in today's society we still have rich vs. poor and it interesting to see how this plays out in the movie between all the districts and how the poorest district had the strongest survivor in all of the games. In Katniss’s District, District 12 many families and individuals would have to hunt for their food and beg just for a small piece of bread and most of them would die of starvation. 
Also the importance of appearances and how Katniss dressed while in district 12 then when she became basically the face of the Hunger Games her wardrobe began to grow into a strong, independent girl who was very brave and showed no fear to the other players in the game. 
How the crowds of people that would watch The Hunger Games got entertainment out of watching the players suffer and die.

Why should more people come to know this work?

I believe most people know of The Hunger Games, they have either watched the movies or read the books or both. I know on the syllabus we were supposed to have a week about The Hunger Games but we never did and I think this film and text are both very intense and interesting to learn further about.    

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Reading the Multimodal Narrative-

Asterios Polyp

Asterios Polyp is a 2009 graphic novel written and illustrated by American Cartoonist David Mazzucchelli. In this graphic novel Asterios Polyp, is about the main character Polyp and his new life. He was a professor and architect who taught at Cornell University until lightning struck his New York apartment and burnt down. Polyp decided to take what was left and travel on a bus looking for a new life. He traveled on a bus as far as his money would take him, to a new town, Apogee where he becomes an auto mechanic. The graphic novel has scenes from his past life of his troubling marriage all of the way to his childhood. The novel is narrated by Polyp's twin brother Ignazio. The graphic novel also talks about Polyp's dreams he has or has had when he was younger. The plot of the graphic novel, structure and design has a contrast quality about it. It contrasts reason vs. emotion, destiny vs. free will and who Polyp really is. 


Make a dream into a movie:
We dream every night even if you do not remember it every body still dreams. I had a dream when I was a little girl probably around the age of nine that I always remember for some reason and it has stuck with me since then. This dream is not horribly frightening by any means but it scared me when I was little. My dream was that I got trapped in a dark building all by myself and could not get out. I remember in the dream that I was panicking and pacing in this dark building and pacing up and down this huge, tall, long hallway. I remember in the dream after pacing, theses five gallon water bottles began to fall from the top shelf and I could not get away from them all falling on me. I really do not remember much after that and like I said when I was little this dream was a nightmare but now I think about it and it does not really make any sense nor sound that scary anymore. I know I remember I had this dream again a few years back when I was really ill. I woke up scared again from this dream again but I have not had it recently. 

About three days ago I had a dream and I woke up from it at about four in the morning and did not know if it actually happened in real life or not. 

When I went outside I observed a lot in the thirty minutes that we were given. I walked over to the bayou to observe the water, people painting, the breeze, the sun,  the palm trees, bugs, the fishes jumping out of the water, cars and everything else that was present during that time. It was very relaxing  and I enjoyed the experience. 

McLuhan and Media Future-

I decided to chose this  picture of Donald Trump because this picture depicts him very well with his finger up in the air and him ranting and yelling to the audience about some nonsense. I personally do not agree with anything that Donald Trump has to say but I also do not follow politics but when people my age say they do not follow politics I think it is because their parents do not really follow them and they just copy what their parents think or follow their outlook on politics. I also think some people are for Trump because they think he will make America rich. Yes Trump is very rich and worth between $4.5 and $10 billion but is that really why America wants him because Trump has gone bankrupt four times and who knows how many other times he will file for bankruptcy. Then why do people think he will be a good asset for the economy. He also wants to build a wall between Mexico and the Untied States and kick 11 million undocumented immigrates out of the country. How will this make America great again? I do not believe Donald Trump would be a good President of The United States because he would most likely bring us to war and ruin this country and the United States would defiantly not be great it would just go down hill if he were president. This image also expresses a positive and negative outtake because of Donald Trumps finger up in the air. 

Voice & The Auteur Theory-

Wes Anderson-

I chose to watch three films by Wes Anderson. Anderson is an American film director, film producer, screen writer and actor. All of Anderson films are known to be visually capturing by the use of their distinctive visual and his narrative styles he uses in each of his films. Anderson chooses to direct fast paced comedies that can be serious and fun. Often themes that can be found in his work are a loss of innocence, grief, singling rivalry, and friendships. Anderson is noted for being unusually character driven and often has thefts and disappearances in his films. He has a very uncommon visual style, as well as a limited color pallet and odd camera positions. In all of his films he gives each  one a distinctive quality that is different from any other films. Anderson is often a character in his own films that he writes, produces and directs. I chose to watch The Grand Budapest Hotel, Fantastic Mr. Fox, and She's Funny That Way.


Much Ado About Nothing-

Much Ado About Nothing is a screen play written by William Shakespeare. The screen play is based in the sixteenth century England. It is written about the ideal of social grace, public shaming, and the loss of honor. If I were the costume designer for Much Ado About Nothing I would chose to dress one of the main characters, Hero in white modern chic bohemian inspired clothing throughout the movie. Since the screenplay is based in the sixteenth century and if I were the director of the movie I would chose to base it in present day. Hero is the daughter of Leonato, Hero is innocent and kind. I would dress her in long maxi white dress for many of the scenes. I would chose to dress her in all white because white is pure, innocent, the start of new beginnings /the since of starting over, the color white reflects perfection. Free People is a clothing brand that is one of my personal favorites and I think that  it would fit in perfectly for the character of Hero. Below are two dresses that I would pick.