Saturday, February 27, 2016

Hitting Budapest

Hitting Budapest  is a short fiction story about traveling to Budapest. The village that Bastard, Chipo, Godknows, Sbho, Stina and the narrator of the story lives in is very poor. This is why they are all traveling to Budapest even though they are not allowed to and have other tasks to do. This group of six children are hungry and on a mission to get guavas because they are all so hungry. In class we also watched a movie that was similar in a way compared to Hitting Budapest because of the characters that were in both the movie and the story. The movie was about a group of six boys that did not do very good things like rob an innocent girl. What are the guiding beliefs for Hitting Budapest? I believe that these characters in this story want something more than what they already have in their town that is why they are going and traveling to Budapest. They want their lives to be better and they believe that they will also own a nice house in Budapest one day. The boys in the movie are depicted as being bad and also being in a gang but when you actually start to get more into the movie you figure out that they are not as bad as they seem to be made out as. 

Friday, February 26, 2016

The Girl:

The Girl is a short story about a girl who has very strict rules and guidelines to follow that her family has given her. How do I relate to this short story? I honestly do not really relate to this story because I grew up with not very strict parents at all. When I was eight years old my mother passed away and from then on my father and sister raised me as well as other family that moved to help with the death of my mother. My father never gave me strict rules to follow like the rules in the short story that were given to the girl. Maybe because he knew I would never break them or go against what he told me. The Girl comes from a different heritage as well so that may play a factor in why her parents are so strict and against certain actions that she does or could do as she grows older. How about the relationship between men and woman? In the short story there were still conflicts between men and woman because the girl could not do this.. and that.. While talking about conflicts between the relationship in each gender, gender laws appear as well as men getting paid more in the work place even though a woman can do that same job and might even do it better. Then talking about that, feminism takes part and becomes a strong topic for people to talk about. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Grand Budapest Hotel-

The Grand Budapest Hotel was a very interesting and eye catching film to watch. The colors are very bright throughout the whole film, with many intriguing shots from Director Wes Anderson; which puts a new and different spin on the movie. With all of the interesting shots that Wes Anderson adds are very fascinating to viewers and also very different from other movies that i have watched in the past. I believe one of the most impressive details that Anderson adds into the The Grand Budapest Hotel would most likely be the bright colors. The bright colors throughout this film are brought into shots and it adds a new dimension to the film and changes the emotion of the shot rather than it just being a boring simple color. The pop of color manipulates the viewers sense of emotion and adds so much more in my opinion. With the pop of the color red in The Grand Budapest Hotel it adds a warm feeling to the film. Red gives off a "warm" color temperature and by doing this it evokes a tension maybe between characters or the setting. While watching films now and noticing that simple pop of color will change the feeling that many people get while watching a film and give a new out look on a film itself. I really did enjoy watching this film and would highly recommend it to friends. I also like how I can now tell what the director is doing by the kind of shot they take or by the sense of color that is being expressed. 

Monday, February 1, 2016

True Grit

True Grit written by Charles McColl Portsis is an extremely interesting novel that has courage, love, revenge and trust. Mattie Ross is a fourteen year old girl that begins an adventure to avenge her father’s death. Mattie is determined to find the man that murdered her father. This story is told on Mattie Ross’s behalf. True Grit is considered to be a western considering the genre of the story. I believe it is a western drama because it does have action, great friendships between characters, guns, horseback, revenge that involves characters getting hung and killed by guns, the landscape/ frontier. There are many conflicts that are shown throughout this story as well as plenty of humor through Mattie’s dialogue. This story is set in in native Arkansas that argues values while the story has two major themes throughout the story. Justice plays a big part in True grit because Mattie sets out at the age of fourteen on horseback to avenge her fathers death. Another factor that is told through Charles Portsis’s True Grit is revenge. Revenge is a huge factor because that is what the who novel is based around and the adventure that Mattie has to overcome for revenge. When reading and watching a western the audience wants to see gun fights and show downs, a western is also supported from the values of the novel, the culture that is being told by the story, the frontier landscape, and indians vs. cowboys. I enjoyed reading and watching True Grit because of Mattie’s dedication and how well she bargains and does not take no for an answer while in the middle of a bargain or an argument. Mattie was determined to tag along even though she is fourteen and a girl. In the novel every character had their own sense of “true grit” which is told by the title.