Saturday, February 27, 2016

Hitting Budapest

Hitting Budapest  is a short fiction story about traveling to Budapest. The village that Bastard, Chipo, Godknows, Sbho, Stina and the narrator of the story lives in is very poor. This is why they are all traveling to Budapest even though they are not allowed to and have other tasks to do. This group of six children are hungry and on a mission to get guavas because they are all so hungry. In class we also watched a movie that was similar in a way compared to Hitting Budapest because of the characters that were in both the movie and the story. The movie was about a group of six boys that did not do very good things like rob an innocent girl. What are the guiding beliefs for Hitting Budapest? I believe that these characters in this story want something more than what they already have in their town that is why they are going and traveling to Budapest. They want their lives to be better and they believe that they will also own a nice house in Budapest one day. The boys in the movie are depicted as being bad and also being in a gang but when you actually start to get more into the movie you figure out that they are not as bad as they seem to be made out as. 

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