Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Grand Budapest Hotel-

The Grand Budapest Hotel was a very interesting and eye catching film to watch. The colors are very bright throughout the whole film, with many intriguing shots from Director Wes Anderson; which puts a new and different spin on the movie. With all of the interesting shots that Wes Anderson adds are very fascinating to viewers and also very different from other movies that i have watched in the past. I believe one of the most impressive details that Anderson adds into the The Grand Budapest Hotel would most likely be the bright colors. The bright colors throughout this film are brought into shots and it adds a new dimension to the film and changes the emotion of the shot rather than it just being a boring simple color. The pop of color manipulates the viewers sense of emotion and adds so much more in my opinion. With the pop of the color red in The Grand Budapest Hotel it adds a warm feeling to the film. Red gives off a "warm" color temperature and by doing this it evokes a tension maybe between characters or the setting. While watching films now and noticing that simple pop of color will change the feeling that many people get while watching a film and give a new out look on a film itself. I really did enjoy watching this film and would highly recommend it to friends. I also like how I can now tell what the director is doing by the kind of shot they take or by the sense of color that is being expressed. 

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