Monday, April 18, 2016

Virtual Reality:

Ready Player One:

While reading Ready Player One written by Ernest Cline I was very intrigued with the storyline because it was very interesting. Virtual reality is beginning to become bigger lately in video games and players are beginning to be involved with the actual game and how they play inside of the actual game as a character in it. Ready Player One  is obviously about virtual reality, a quest about battling giant Japanese robots, based in the year 2044, and part of a love story. Ready Player One  is an adventure and many people and players begin to really get involved in the virtual world inside the game known as the virtual reality that takes place in Ready Player One. In my opinion I would probably never play a virtual reality game, yes I find it interesting but also kind of scary how you are actually part of the game and you are not necessarily playing on the outside but considered playing on the inside. Ready Player One is a science fiction thriller where the United States is a depressed place and people want to escape and do something else with their days. This is why they escape to virtual reality and players get extremely involved. 

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